PTO Bylaws

Mission Statement

The mission of the Greenwood PTO is to establish an open line of communication between parents and teachers where opportunities for input and free discussion are valued. The PTO meets for a creative exchange of ideas that will provide positive experiences for our children, help them establish goals and visions for their future, and help them develop into beneficial and contributing members of society. We will strive to make each child's educational experience both positive and memorable.

  1. NAME

  2. The name of this organization, located in the borough of Millerstown, Pennsylvania,17062, shall be the Greenwood Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO).


  4. The purpose of the Greenwood PTO shall be to encourage a cooperative relationship between the home and the school, enabling the teachers and parents to work together in the education of the children in a safe and healthy environment.


    1. The organization shall conduct an annual enrollment of members. However, persons may be admitted to membership at any time.

    2. Only members in good standing shall be eligible to participate in business meetings or to serve in any elective or appointed position.

    3. Each member shall pay annual dues to the organization.


  7. Section 1: All operating expenses shall be the responsibility of all members of the PTO and shall be obtained through donations and special projects initiated and executed by the membership.

    Section 2: The treasurer, shall have custody of all funds of the PTO, shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures as authorized by the organization or the Executive Board, and shall be responsible for the maintenance of books of account and record.

    1. All checks must be signed by the treasurer, or authorized school officer.

    2. The treasurer shall present a financial report at every PTO meeting and at other times when requested by the Executive Board.

    3. The treasurer's accounts shall be examined annually, at the end of the school year, by an audit committee as appointed by the Executive Board.


  9. Section 1: The officers of the organization shall consist of:

    1. President - who shall preside over all general and executive meetings

    2. Vice President - who shall assist the President and preside over meetings in the absence of the president.

    3. Secretary - who shall record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board.

    4. Treasurer

    Section 2: There shall be four standing committee chairpersons:

    1. Ways and Means

    2. Membership

    3. Hospitality

    4. Public Relations

    • Other committees to be formed as needed.

    Section 3: Nominating Committee

    1. The Nominating Committee shall be selected by the Executive Board prior to elections.

    2. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one eligible member for each office to be filled and report its nominees to the Executive Board before the date of election.

    3. The general membership shall be notified of the date, time and place of election.

    4. Only those members who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to an office or committee chair.

    Section 4: All officers shall be elected annually (with the exception of the Treasurer).

    • President shall be voted on each year. Candidate running for President MUST have held at least one year as Vice-President any year prior to running and must have been an active member. Thus attending more than ½ of the posted meetings the year prior to running.

    • Vice-President shall be voted on each year. Candidate running for Vice-PresidentMUST be an active Chairperson of PTO and must have attended more than ½ of the posted meetings the year prior to running.

    • Secretary shall be voted on each year. Candidate running for secretary MUST be an active member of PTO and must have attended more than ½ of the posted meetings the year prior to running.

    • Treasurer shall be a requested teacher or staff person and approved by the Executive Board every two years.

    1. Officers and Committee chairpersons shall assume their official duties following the close of the school year in June. Treasurer will continue until completion of the annual examination of the treasurer's accounts.

    2. A vacancy occurring in any office or committee chair shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the assistant or co-chair. If there is no assistant or co-chair the Executive Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the next election. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall serve out the term and a new Vice-President shall be selected.

    3. Attendance of PTO officers at Executive Board meetings is required


  11. Section 1: Shall consist of officers of the PTO, Principal of the school and one teacher representing the school. (Such teacher may be an officer or committee chair-person).

    Section 2: Duties...

    1. Transact necessary business in the intervals between general meetings.

    2. Select qualified individual(s) to examine the treasurer's accounts annually at the end of the school year or as deemed necessary.

    3. Approve routine bills.


  13. Meetings of the PTO shall be held a minimum of 4 times throughout the school year.


By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board followed by a majority vote of those present at the general meeting.